PRESTIGIO Oprogramowanie bezprzewodowa klasa licencja student 1 rok

Cena detaliczna:

Chwilowo brak

Prestigio mClass (Prestigio mStudent) is a classroom management platform for multimedia interactive teaching. It enables the teacher to control and manage the class effectively, supervise student activities and maintain good order in class. It has the perfect functionality for teaching and learning, communicating and collaborating with each other and between groups. Uses WiFi technology to connect the devices in to a virtual class. Demo mode allows connectivity of 1 teacher and 5 student PCs.

mClass consists of two applications: mTeacher for teacher, one main device in the system; and mStudent for student connected devices.

Wireless: Uses widespread Wi-Fi protocol for interactivity.
Windows OS: Supports both Windows 7 and Windows 10 OS.
Universal: A platform applicable for any school, university and business training.
Easy Control: A teacher effectively manages class of up to 50 student tablets by opening / closing student features and even starting devices.
Digital Paperless Environment: Screen broadcasting, file distribution and collection, testing, interactive writing on the same canvas, chatting etc.
Full Use Demo: Supports all features for up to 5 student tablets connected to 1 teacher MultiBoard for free.

• Organize lesson of up to 50 connected student tablets or PCs 2-in-1
• Use in whiteboard mode with distribution to connected students
• Screen broadcast and student demonstration
• Files distribution and collection
• Applying tests and surveys for the class
• Remote command for students PCs from the teacher

Technical Requirements

Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit), Windows 8 -10 (32 & 64 bit), Windows Server 2003/2008

Hardware - Teacher side
Minimum Requirements: CPU P4 2.8GHz, 1GB RAM, 128MB Display Card
Recommended Requirements: CPU Core 2 E6300, 2GB RAM, 256MB Display Card

Hardware - Student side
Minimum Requirements: CPU Celeron 1GHz, 512MB RAM, 128MB Display Card
Recommended Requirements: CPU Core 2 E4300, 1GB RAM, 128MB Display Card
Network: LAN - 10Mbytes/100Mbytes/1000Mbytes, Wi-Fi - 802.11b/g/n

Download install files from Support section on MultiBoard pages at

Specyfikacja produktu

Skrócony opis

Skrócony opis
License Type
Electronic License
License Quantity
1 użytkownik
License Validation Period
No time limit

Wymagania Systemowe

Software - Requirments For PC
• Microsoft Windows 7 or Later - Software
Software - Requirments For Tablet
• Android 4.4 - Software, iOS 7-8.2 - Software


Prestigio mStudent
Type of Customer
Academic; Schools
Users per License
1 użytkownik
Product Validity
Lifetime; 1 year support
Monitor interaktywny
Windows 7-10 PC
Android Tablet
Type of Product
Volume License (VL)


Dodatkowe Informacje o Gwarancji
Unless otherwise required by local law (see